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RunRev Interoperability Project

Members of this group share a common goal of supporting standards for handling component metadata and for interoperability of software resources (libraries, components, templates, etc.) developed with RunRev's LiveCode development tool.

This section of LiveCode Journal is a public mirror for the main fules of the working group site at: http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/revInterop/

Discussion Forum

http://livecodejournal.com/forum/ Forum with sections for each of the current active RIP projects, a place to suggest new projects, and general chit-chat.


49k compressed RTF file
The Edinbugh Core Metadata Initiative (ECMI) is designed to provide guidelines to use of metadata and interoperability of resources in LiveCode.
64k LiveCode stack file
Plugin tool for conveniently editing ECMI properties.
3k LiveCode stck file
Sample library stack illustrating the use of ECMI properties. Can be used as a shell for making new libraries.

© 2011 Fourth World Media Corporation All rights reserved. Portions copyright by the original authors.